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  • 1. (2018八上·南宁开学考) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。

    other  quickly  listening  large  woke  why  tired  their  friends  more

        Once upon a time there was a lazy young man. He lived in a house. He up every afternoon, ate his meal and then lay in bed again. He had a bird. She watched this lazy man and didn't know he always lay in bed.

        "Don't you get of lying in bed all day and all night? The sun was out hours ago, and people are all busy with work," The bird asked "Why are you so lazy?"

        The young man answered, ""Every day, when I want to get up,

    two whisper(小声说) in my ears. One fiend is called Hard Work and the is Laziness. Hard Work says, "Wakeup ! There is a lot of work to do." But Laziness always says, "Sleep some . You can work tomorrow"

        The young man went on, "I spend all my time to both of my friends"
