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  • 1. (2019七上·湛江期中) 阅读理解

    Lost: My new bike.

    It's red.

    My name is Jimmy.

    Please call me at 678-42190.

    Found: Is this your ring?

    Please call Betty.

    Phone number: 892-02311.

    Lost: My cup.

    My name is Bruce.

    Please call me at 708-52097.

    Found: Is this your bag?

    Please call David at 459-37820.

    1. (1) ________________ lost a bike.
      A . Betty B . Jimmy C . Bruce D . David
    2. (2) The ________________ is Betty's.
      A . ring B . bag C . cup D . bike
    3. (3) Jimmy's new bike is________________.
      A . Red B . White C . Black D . Green
    4. (4) You can call ________________ for the bag.
      A . Betty B . Jimmy C . Bruce D . David
    5. (5) Bruce's phone number is ________________.
      A . 678-42 190 B . 892-02311 C . 708-52097 D . 291-20845
