Some veterinary (兽医的) professionals voted on the best dogs for new owners.
The Golden Retriever is the No. 1 choice of veterinarians for new dog owners. His sweet, gentle and people-pleasing personality makes him a delightful addition to most families. He loves to play, displays loyalty and love — and, if those are not enough, this guy is a real looker. Those good looks come at a price, though: His gorgeous coat needs regular brushing and bathing.
Smart, energetic, sensible and entertaining, the Poodle is another breed that's great for the beginner dog owners. Poodles have a reputation for being a bit aloof with people they don't know, but we just think they're less “needy”. He's available in three sizes, but whatever size you choose, be aware that if you want his curly coat in anything but a basic cut, you're going to spend a lot of time going to the groomer (美容师).
The lovable Lab has been a favorite breed in the US for more than 20 years, and it would appear that vets agree with this choice, naming him the No.3 best breed for new dog owners. This friendly breed is a popular choice for service and therapy dogs, and his strength makes him an excellent hunting dog and good athlete. These beauties are best suited to active families.
The Cavalier is a popular toy breed. He loves people, whether that involves sitting on laps or going for long walks. The Cavalier is happy, trusting and eas-going, making friends everywhere he goes. Although he can be stubborn, he generally tends to be adaptable enough to sit quietly with an older person, then turn around and play with an active child.
The Bichon Frise was bred specifically to be a companion, so there is little surprise that veterinarians consider him as such a great choice for new dog owners. Wonderfully affectionate (深情的) and endlessly entertaining, he has long been a popular circus performer, but he'll be perfectly happy performing his tricks for his family at home.