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  • 1. (2019高三上·安徽模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Letting me move into my university dormitory wasn't an easy decision for my parents. However, they knew if I wanted a good 1, I'd have to live away from home. I'd always 2 living alone the life of no rules and regulations and being independent. So I was3about this new stage in my life.

        4, during the first few months of living alone,I'd find myself crying every day. I'd call my mum every day. I 5 to fly back home as soon as I got any time off. That was the only thing I was 6 about. Coming from a big family, I was 7 to noises surrounding me. Therefore, the scary 8 at night was the worst. I couldn't even 9without keeping the lights on.

        As time went by, I started enjoying the10 that came with living alone. I could do things in my own time: eat whenever I want, wake up whenever I want. The space of loneliness was also then 11 by friends who became like family, so I 12 missing my family less.

        When it was time to say goodbye and go back home after my 13 I was bittersweet. I'd 14 my time alone, learning things which wouldn't have been 15 if I had moved away from home. But I'd also missed my family too much.

        I'd learned a lot from this 16. Living alone made me value 17time even more. I realized that every second with them 18though I might not get the freedom I had while living alone.

        I guess it's 19 for everybody, but for me, there is no warmth in a house 20 it's filled with loving members and people you love.

    A . memory B . occupation C . opportunity D . education
    A . kept on B . dreamed of C . insisted on D . put off
    A . delighted B . worried C . serious D . cautious
    A . Undoubtedly B . Unwillingly C . Unconditionally D . Unexpectedly
    A . refused B . pretended C . Wanted D . failed
    A . concerned B . disappointed C . certain D . particular
    A . deaf B . cruel C . accustomed D . opposed
    A . boredom B . silence C . darkness D . suffering
    A . sleep B . talk C . move D . play
    A . confidence B . safety C . relief D . freedom
    A . set aside B . taken over C . filled up D . thrown away
    A . started B . practiced C . resisted D . preferred
    A . recovery B . graduation C . resignation D . promotion
    A . hated B . desired C . regretted D . enjoyed
    A . useful B . possible C . reliable D . worthwhile
    A . adventure B . arrangement C . experience D . challenge
    A . family B . study C . work D . growth
    A . flew B . counted C . stayed D . repeated
    A . hard B . common C . meaningless D . different
    A . when B . since C . unless D . though
