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  • 1. (2019七上·苍溪期中) 阅读理解

    First name: Jack        Last name: Green

    Age(年龄) : 11        Phone number: 289­4567

    Favorite thing(最喜欢的物品) : a black watch

    Family members(成员) : father, mother, sister

    First name: Gina        Last name: Smith

    Age: 11               Phone number: 567­4598

    Favorite thing: a purple jacket

    Family members: grandma, parents, brother

    First name: Paul        Last name: Brown

    Age: 12               Phone number: 681­5698

    Favorite thing: a white model plane

    Family members: father, mother, two sisters

    First name: Kate        Last name: Miller

    Age: 12               Phone number: 820­6789

    Favorite thing: a blue schoolbag

    Family members: grandparents, parents, brother

    1. (1) Jack's watch is________.
      A . black B . purple C . white D . blue
    2. (2) Gina's family name is________.
      A . Green B . Smith C . Brown D . Miller
    3. (3) Paul's phone number is________.
      A . 289­4567 B . 567­4598 C . 681­5698 D . 820­6789
    4. (4) There are ________ people in Kate's family.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    5. (5) From the chart(表格) , we can know________.
      A . Jack and Paul are 11 B . the purple jacket is Kate's C . Paul has a brother D . Kate's schoolbag is blue
