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  • 1. 任务型阅读

        When you meet someone, you don't know if that person is going to become your good friend. (1) So you have to be a little more careful at first. Do you know what to do?

    ★Hang out with people you would like to have as friends and join in their plans unless you really disagree.

    ★If you don' t agree with their plans say so in a positive way, "I like this but maybe we could…”

    ★Accept(接受)people as they are. You can like other people although you don't agree with everything they say or do.

    ★You don't have to know about or have an opinion on everything—in fact it is often better if you don't.

    ★(2) Being a good listener so that others can tell that you ___________________(对……感兴趣) what they are saying.

    1. (1) Ho many pieces of advice are mentioned(涉及到)in this passage?

    2. (2) What would you say if you don't agree with other people's plans?

    3. (3) 把画线句(1)So you have to be a little more careful at first. 译为汉语。

    4. (4) 在(2)句空缺处应填入短语。

    5. (5) 给短文拟一个标题。
