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  • 1. (2019七上·秦淮期中) 阅读理解

        Jerry has a happy family — his parents, his sister and he. They live in a small town, and it is not far from the city.

        One day, Jerry goes to a shopping centre in the city to buy a new pair of trousers. There are too many people in the shop, so he doesn't want to try them on there.

        He goes back home and tries on the trousers in his bedroom. They are too long for him and he wants to ask his mother or sister to shorten (剪短) them for him. When he goes to his mother, she is cooking lunch and doesn't have any time to help him. He goes to his sister, but she is washing clothes and shoes. "The new trousers are too long. Can you help me to shorten them five centimetres?" His mother and sister are busy, and they don't say anything. Jerry goes out to fly kites with his classmates.

        Jerry's father is not busy, so he helps his son to shorten the trousers and plays computer games again in the study. When his mother finishes cooking, she goes to Jerry's bedroom and helps him to shorten the trousers five centimetres, too. But she doesn't tell her daughter about it and goes out.

        After an hour, Jerry's sister remembers her brother's trousers. So she goes quietly into the room and also helps her brother to shorten the trousers five centimetres.

        Can you guess the look on Jerry's face when he wears the trousers next time?

    1. (1) There are    people in Jerry's family.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    2. (2) Why doesn't Jerry try on the trousers in the shop?
      A . Because it is cold today. B . Because they are too long for him. C . Because there are too many people in the shop. D . Because he wants to ask his mother or sister to shorten the trousers.
    3. (3) Jerry will feel    when he wears the trousers next time.
      A . excited B . happy C . great D . angry
    4. (4) What can we know from the story?
      A . Jerry's sister is cooking lunch and doesn't have time. B . Jerry's father is playing computer games and doesn't help Jerry. C . Jerry's mother helps Jerry shorten the trousers and tells her daughter about it. D . Jerry's parents and sister help him shorten the trousers fifteen centimetres together.
