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  • 1. (2019八上·黄浦期末) 将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词。每词只能填一次。

    A. humor   B. expect   C. silly   D. except   E. more than

        Although Hilenburg wasn't sure whether people would like a cartoon about the ocean, he continued working on it. "At first, we just try to make ourselves laugh, then we ask if children will like it. " He didn't  the innocent(天真无邪的)character would be such a success. It has won several Emmy Awards(文美奖)and has been shown in  60 languages.

        SpongeBob is popular because not only children but also adults like it. Children like SpongeBob's innocence. Teenagers and young adults love the show's  , and others enjoy it for meme(表情包)culture.

        Above all, it is the character's innocence that attracts people.
