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  • 1. (2019高三上·太原月考) 阅读理解

        It was the beginning of 2011. I had just finished filming the first season of Game of Thrones(《权利的游戏》). With almost no professional experience, I had been given the role of Daenerys Targaryen. The show was so successful that young girls would dress themselves up as Daenerys for Halloween.

        And yet, terrified of the attention, terrified of trying to make good on the faith that the creators had put in me, I worked much harder.

        On the morning of February 11, 2011, I was getting dressed in a gym when I started to feel a bad headache. I was so exhausted that I could barely put on my sneakers. I tried to ignore the pain, but I couldn't. I reached the toilet and sank to my knees. A woman came to help me. Then everything became unclear. I only remember the sound of an ambulance.

        That operation lasted three hours. When I woke, the pain was unbearable. After four days, they moved me out of the I.C.U. (重症监护室). But one day when a nurse asked me, as part of a series of cognitive (认知的) exercises, " What's your name?", I couldn't remember my name and I felt terrified: I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now, I couldn't recall my name.

        The phenomenon is called aphasia. Then I was sent back to the I.C.U. and, after about a week, I was able to speak and know my name. And I was also aware that there were people in the beds around me who didn't make it out of the I.C.U. I was continually reminded of just how fortunate I was.

        I rarely gave a thought to my health. Nearly all I thought about was acting. I thought of myself as healthy. Once in a while, I would get dizzy. When I was fourteen, I had a migraine (偏头痛) that kept me in bed for a couple of days. But it all seemed manageable — part of the stress of being an actor. Now I think I might have been experiencing warning signs of what was to come.

        Anyway, there is something pleasant about coming to the end of Thrones. And I'm so happy to be here to see the beginning of whatever comes next.

    1. (1) The author felt terrified after acting in the first season of Game of Thrones because _____.

      ①she felt nervous about the public attention.

      ②she had been criticized for her lack of experience.

      ③she was experiencing some warning signs of a serious illness.

      ④she wasn't sure if she had performed well in Season 1.

      A . ①④ B . ②③ C . ①② D . ③④
    2. (2) When did the author lose consciousness?
      A . After she took an operation. B . After a woman came to her rescue in a gym. C . When trying to ignore a headache while working out. D . When knowing many patients wouldn't survive the illness.
    3. (3) A patient who is suffering from aphasia ______.
      A . cannot move his or her body B . will fall into serious depression C . must undergo brain surgery at once D . is not able to remember things from the past
    4. (4) What can you infer from the end of the passage?
      A . The author feels very lucky to be an actress. B . The author is quite confident about her role. C . The author can't go on acting due to the illness. D . The author will pay more attention to her health.
