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  • 1. (2019七上·北京期中) 阅读理解

        Mom and dad — they're two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day and, over your lifetime, they're likely to influence(影响)you more than anyone else you will meet. So, if your dad likes football, you're likely to play football when you grow up. And if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she does.

        But parents do a lot more than just pass along their hobbies. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they're born. It's a parent's job to love and guide kids — and most parents will do this as long as they live, even when the "kids" are grown up and have children of their own.

        Here are five ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship with your parents:

        Spend time together. How much time do you spend just enjoying being together with them? Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV, maybe ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, try a board game, or read a book out loud.

        Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they'd like their parents to help them when they're upset. But your mom or dad might not know that you're having a problem. Talk to them and you'll be glad you did.

        Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent's day with a hug, a card, or a joke. It's also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked.

        Show you care. It's important to show that you care for each other. In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents show their love by respecting each other, and being caring, polite, and thoughtful.

        Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud.

    1. (1) According to the passage, you're likely to ___________.
      A . look like one of your parents a lot B . share the same hobbies with your parents C . play football and read much when growing up D . love and guide your parents when they get old
    2. (2) When you ___________, you make your parents proud.
      A . spend more time with them B . share your feelings with them C . do your best at whatever you do D . show kindness to the poor and the old
    3. (3) The writer may want us to ___________.
      A . show our love to our parents B . learn to care for our parents C . spend more time together with our parents D . build great relationships with our parents
