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  • 1. (2019九上·北京期中) 完形填空

    Making a Difference

        I go to a private Catholic school, which is very big on community service(社区服务). You are actually looked down upon if you do not do some form of community service. Being a first-year student, I was 1 enough that I would not fit in, so I started looking at the different possibilities. Finally I decided to work as a volunteer at our local hospital, something my friend was already doing.

        When I started I felt very 2. I had heard the good and the bad sides of the hospital: staff and patients yelling at us, not doing the job well enough for this person, or not getting a wheelchair fast enough. But the good side of my new job was yet to come. My friend could only help me so much with training. Soon I was on my own. Many of my other friends asked me why I was doing a job for which I was not being paid. At first I could not answer the question but now I can. Every Monday I walk into the hospital not knowing what to 3. But now I look at my job with a different attitude. I no longer see it as a 4 to society, but as a way to try to help brighten someone's day, and help make things run more smoothly. Delivering flowers, medicine, papers, or just saying hi to a patient, especially the very young or the very old, makes a difference in their day.

        They now 5 me, and say hi. They tell me about their day and ask about mine.

        Once home, I know I have helped and made a difference.

        My job has its ups and downs. I've had my share of angry doctors and nurses. But I have had more smiling patients and little kids 6 my day. I have seen sides of people that can only be found in a hospital, both good and bad. I think it has taught me more of a life lesson than anything else. I now tell people when they ask me why I work for nothing, that there is a special feeling I get—the feeling that I did something good and was a friend to people who needed someone.

        More and more of my friends are thinking about 7 the hospital volunteer staff. But being a hospital volunteer is not the only job that is needed. I tell people to look around before making the decision to commit to a volunteer job, commit to an afternoon or a weekend first helping someone who needs it. I have found that volunteering has 8 my life in many good ways. I see life from a different angle now.

    A . excited B . scared C . interested D . disappointed
    A . unsure B . certain C . curious D . confident
    A . express B . observe C . watch D . expect
    A . chance B . possibility C . duty D . contribution
    A . recognize B . reach C . approach D . avoid
    A . enjoy B . miss C . brighten D . destroy
    A . treating B . joining C . cheering D . replacing
    A . disturbed B . protected C . led D . affected
