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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Dear John,

        I'm very excited about your coming and staying in Chichester next week. The day after tomorrow I have to go away on business for three days at the beginning of the week, but I will be back when you come. I'll leave a key with my friend next door at Number 21, so you won't have to wait before I return.

        Now let me tell you how to get here, though it's not very difficult to find.

    Walk up the Star Road until you come to the first traffic lights and then turn right. Turn left at the next crossing. Go straight, and Landsdowne Road is the second on the right. There you can find my house, the door at Number 22.

        Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you about the most important thing: please bring a sleeping-bag with you. Well, I must go now. I have to go and take the car from the garage (汽车修理厂) on Land Road. I was out yesterday, when it broke down on the way.

        Hope to see you soon.



    1. (1) John will come and stay in Mike's home________.
      A . at the beginning of this week B . next week C . next weekend D . the day after tomorrow
    2. (2) How many days will Mike go away on business?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    3. (3) Mike will leave a ________ with his friend next door at Number 21.
      A . room B . car C . sleeping-bag D . key
    4. (4) Mike's house is on (the) ________.
      A . Chichester Road B . Star Road C . Landsdowne Road D . Land Road
    5. (5) What's wrong with Mike's car?
      A . A thief stole (偷) it on the way. B . Mike sold it to someone else. C . It broke down on the way. D . Someone drove it away by mistake.
