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  • 1. (2020七上·鄞州期末) 阅读理解

        Buzz, buzz, I fly around your bed at night. Oh, let me give you a "kiss" ! You feel itchy. You wake up and you scratch (挠), scratch.... The next morning, you are late for school.

        What kind of people do I like to bite?

        Mosquitoes are more likely to (更可能地) bite people with type 0 blood (O型血) Did you hear people say this before? It's not true! In fact, I can't tell which blood type you are. Only doctors can do that. Well then, how do I choose (选择)?

        Sweat (汗)

        I find food by smelling (闻). You play outside and start sweating all over. I can smell the lactic acid (乳酸) in your sweat. So yummy! But if you take a shower after exercising, I can't smell you.


        I also use my eyes to find food. But my eyesight is not very good. If you are trying to avoid me, do not wear colors such as black, red or dark blue.

        Larger and fatter

        I can smell the carbon dioxide (二氧化碳). The more you exhale (呼出),the more easily I can find you. This means larger and fatter people are more likely to get my "kiss".

    1. (1) Who is "T" in the passage?
      A . A doctor. B . A student. C . A mosquito. D . A fatter person.
    2. (2) Which color can a mosquito see most clearly (清晰地)?
      A . Dark brown. B . White. C . Light blue. D . Orange.
    3. (3) What does the underlined (划线) word "avoid" mean in Chinese?
      A . 抓住 B . 避免 C . 拍打 D . 叮咬
    4. (4) Who aren't likely to get a"Ikiss' from mosquitoes?
      A . B . C . D .
