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  • 1. (2020高一上·虹口期末) Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

        Music. We hear it everywhere, every day. Getting into a lift, going around a supermarket or simply relaxing at home, music is our constant companion. And music can have a significant effect on the way we think and feel, so it's worth paying attention to what we're listening to.

        Music can have a powerful effect on our moods, in terms of both reducing and increasing stress. Listening to calm gentle music in bed can help us drop off to sleep. Some airlines play smoothing music on board planes at take-off and landing, to calm nervous travelers. Athletes often listen to fast loud music to help them prepare for games. The American swimmer Michael Phelps is known to listen to rap music before important races to help pump him up.

        The mood-altering effect of music can be especially acute for the people who actually play the music. Musicians who do not have high self-esteem (自尊心) can suddenly overflow with confidence once they go on stage. It's as though the music gives them a different personality.

        And it's not only those who feel ill at ease with themselves who can benefit. Scientists have conducted research into the effect of music on students studying for exams. They found that listening to calm music with a regular beat can actually help students recall facts and improve their performance in exams. Classical music, preferably something by Mozart, seems to have the most beneficial effect. A word of caution, however: it's best not to over-rely on this method, as you won't be able to listen to music in an exam.

        For most of us though, music is one of life's great pleasures. And it's a pleasure that endures. Researchers have found that we don't often grow out of the music that we love as teenagers, because our musical tastes are such a huge part of our identity, personality and outlook on life. So don't delete those songs you downloaded when you were fifteen - you'll probably still love them when you're fifty.

    1. (1) What would be the best kind of music to play to nervous drivers stuck in traffic jam?
      A . Rap music. B . Gentle classical music. C . Cheerful folk music. D . Heavy metal music.
    2. (2) The word "acute" in paragraph 3 most probably means _______ in the passage.
      A . powerful B . controllable C . complex D . opposite
    3. (3) Which of the following statements about music is true according to the passage?
      A . Pop music improves students' academic performance. B . Music has magic power to change musicians' personality. C . Music generally influence people's thoughts and emotions. D . Sportsmen listen to fast music to relieve their stress before games.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . Musical tastes affect our characters to a great extent. B . We have to find ways to make the pleasure of music last. C . We will be fond of different kinds of music as we grow up. D . A part of our personality and tastes are well developed in our teens.
