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  • 1. (2020高一上·十堰期末) 阅读理解

        Giving is one of the main ways of understanding the value of money—but it often gets ignored. When we pay close attention to what we want for Christmas or birthdays and spending lots of money on our loved ones, why not take the time to teach your sons or daughters a little bit about giving back? Here are 4 activities which can help your children know what is the real meaning of "giving".

        Donating (捐赠)Online

        Because your children have seen all the fun and games from the charity organization Children in Need fundraising, it's the perfect time to show them how easy it is to donate money to charity online and how rewarding this can be. If they have a go Henry card, they can even do this themselves directly using their own money earned from playing the games that develop intelligence (智力).

        Time: Saturday every week

        Giving Things to Charity

        Giving their extra things to charity can help kids see how much value their things have. Explaining the money from selling their things and helping others can make them feel how lucky they are.

        Time: Sunday every week

        Volunteering within the Community (社区)

        Whether it's clearing rubbish from a park or visiting the elderly, volunteering is certainly the most direct way for your children to understand what we mean when we say "giving". This really helps understand the value of giving some of their time.

        Time: Monday every summer vacation

        Getting Them to Actively Raise Money for Something

        Help them discover something they really care about and get their mind set on how they could raise some money for people in need. Making cakes and selling them at school, selling some of their own things or even washing the neighbors' cars are great ways in which children can make a difference to something they care about.

        Time: Tuesday every winter vacation

    1. (1) Who is the text mainly written for?
      A . Guides. B . Parents. C . Teachers. D . Tourists.
    2. (2) What is special about Donating Online?
      A . It is held every day. B . It allows selling cakes online. C . It requires volunteers' ID cards. D . It accepts the money earned from playing games.
    3. (3) Which of the following can most help understand the value of giving time?
      A . Donating Online. B . Giving Things to Charity. C . Volunteering within the Community. D . Getting Them to Actively Raise Money for Something.
