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  • 1. (2020高一上·十堰期末) 阅读理解

        The Consumer Technology Association, formerly called The International Consumer Electronics Show, or CES, believes about 170, 000 people will attend the show. About one-third of them are reported to come from countries besides the United States.

        More than 4, 000 businesses will show products used through the Internet such as gaming, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence(人工智能)and robotics. One of the biggest stars at CES this year is the voice-controlled digital (数字的)assistant. While the technology is not new, many companies will show off the latest digital assistants.

        Equipment controlled by digital assistants, especially those turned on by voice, were already big sellers in 2017. This year, Google, Amazon and Apple are expected to release even more products to keep up with the rising demand.

        Digital assistants are powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. They are designed to learn users' preferences over time and then “think" and act on their own. Some of the biggest developments in technology have come in the area of home automation (自动化). Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple's Home Pod and Microsoft's Cortana are a few examples of voice-controlled equipment. All include smart speakers that "talk" to users inside the house and can perform operations.

        Experts with the Consumer Technology Association say sales of smart speakers are expected to nearly double in 2019.

        The Internet-linked products can play music or find information when asked questions. They can also control equipment such as lighting, cameras, televisions and temperature controllers. Among new "smart" home products to be released at the CES are voice-controlled washing machines, refrigerators, showers and toilets. There is also much new physical fitness and health-related equipment on show. Some are designed to help people create the best personal fitness plans to reach their goals. Wearable health equipment is used to study and measure body conditions, while others help recognize signs of disease.

    1. (1) What will be shown at CES?
      A . Books about robots. B . International fashion. C . Schools' teaching art. D . Equipment related with the Internet.
    2. (2) Why are Google, Amazon and Apple expected to develop more intelligent products?
      A . To create music. B . To treat all kinds of diseases. C . To meet the increasing needs. D . To make experiments in space.
    3. (3) How do users communicate with the equipment of home automation?
      A . By fax. B . By voice. C . By email. D . By body language.
    4. (4) In which part of a newspaper may this text appear?
      A . Art. B . Health. C . Education. D . Technology.
