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  • 1. (2020高二上·山西期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        You may be able to answer all of the questions the interviewer throws at you, and show a wealth of knowledge about the company in question. During the job interview preparation stage, body language can easily be neglected (忽视).The way we present ourselves during an interview may betray our actual abilities. Take a look at the, most common body language mistakes to avoid during your next interview:

        A weak or overly strong handshake.

        A handshake often opens and closes an interview. A limp handshake may lead to assumptions of disinterest and weakness, whereas an overly strong one may come off as aggressive or pushy.

        A negative facial expression.

         Greeting an employer with c negative expression will not make you appear likable. Take a moment to compose yourself before going in to interview, open with a smile and remain natural and positive, without overdoing it.

        Avoiding eye contact.

        Casting your eyes down for the duration of an interview is something interviewers agree they hate. However, regular eye contact shows that you are engaged in the conversation and that your self-esteem is high.

    A. Smile!

    B. A stable handshake is important.

    C. However, actions often speak louder than words.

    D. So it is necessary to control our body language.

    E. It wouldn't be a good idea to continually stare at the person opposite you.

    F. Therefore, it is good to make a positive impression with a stable handshake.

    G. Interviewer will get annoyed when you show up with a negative expression.
