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  • 1. (2020高二上·山西期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Dealing with a disability can be a difficult task for anyone, but it's nothing for Roger. Having double disabilities all his life has made life a forever1. Roger was born prematurely (早产)and2in the hospital for nine months after birth. He was3of any other medical issues that he suffered at that time.

        Roger knew that he had poor4when he was a little boy. In school he couldn't see clearly what other5did, so the Library for Blind and Physically Handicapped provided him with large-print6and audio cassettes. He had barely graduated from high school due to the7of earlier assistance in high school. In 2008 he lost the remainder of usable sight8. The loss of vision was because of Graves' disease. He did not know he had it9he went to a specialist.

        As for his secondary10, his legs have given him difficulty all his life due to injuries. He severely broke his both11at 5 years old owing to falling on the ice. At that time he was too12to receive special surgeries (外科手术). As Roger gets older, he has had four surgeries on his knees. Even though the surgeries are all successful, Roger cannot13as common people do.

        To this day, it is a daily battle and he continues to14. Roger won't sit around and says if he only lives in this way, this is a15of his time. He never16, because he always believes that disability does not17incompetence. Roger always tries his best to enjoy every day and realizes his18or goals. By teaching Braille (盲文)and working at his local community, now he is famous in the US. Whoever you are, you can always try to do19good for other people, which makes your life more20.

    A . challenge B . disaster C . puzzle D . task
    A . studied B . played C . worked D . remained
    A . unaware B . afraid C . ashamed D . certain
    A . taste B . smell C . vision D . hearing
    A . teachers B . students C . doctors D . cleaners
    A . novels B . pictures C . newspapers D . textbooks
    A . loss B . use C . lack D . cost
    A . completely B . properly C . easily D . regularly
    A . when B . since C . if D . until
    A . secret B . disability C . measure D . opinion
    A . hands B . arms C . legs D . feet
    A . tall B . young C . calm D . smart
    A . listen B . speak C . see D . walk
    A . doubt B . complain C . fight D . escape
    A . point B . waste C . duty D . need
    A . shows off B . gets away C . gives up D . looks back
    A . mean B . cause C . defeat D . overcome
    A . programs B . dreams C . positions D . comments
    A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything
    A . respectful B . acceptable C . convenient D . meaningful
