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  • 1. (2020高二上·辽阳期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Five years ago, a fire burned Vivienne Palmer's house to the ground and turned all her things to ash. She was depressed, but later, a surprising state of1set in.

        "After2the shock. I would think that since it's3, let go of it. It felt amazingly free of mind." Palmer says. Now, she looks around her destroyed4and wants to get that5again. Her plan is to let go of at least ten things every day for a year. That means she must make a total of 3.650 donated or sold6a year.

        A friend7her not to set herself up for failure because that was too much for her.

        But Palmer is struggling against the8. Everything is a game from the practical thing, such as a large number of  plastic forks and knives she has9from all her take-out (外卖) orders, to the10things, such as the rabbit costumes she made for her young sons for Halloween one year. "You just have to be very11 she says.

        Now, some plastic bags, six tablecloths, four toy monkeys and a toy dog have been12. Her husband wants to13the toy dog because he thinks it's cool.

        To keep herself14, Palmer posts images of her goods on her blog, where she15away many things free. And it feels16

        Beyond keeping peace of mind, there's another17: By selling some items online. Palmer hopes to18enough money to arranged family vacation to Southeast Asia.

        "Everything is19in my mind:There's the writing, the trip, my wanting to make, money and create a new good habit," Palmer say. It's a hug20, but its inspiring. And I can't think of anything I'd rather do more.

    A . relief B . pride C . stress D . regret
    A . bringing out B . turning over C . getting ove D . finding out
    A . unexpected B . famous C . romance D . gone
    A . health B . career C . house D . plan
    A . gift B . freedom C . reputation D . chance
    A . goods B . companies C . novel D . flowers
    A . allowed B . forced C . invited D . warned
    A . argument B . challenge C . adventure D . promise
    A . collected B . separated C . invented D . produced
    A . cheap B . natural C . unimportant D . meaningful
    A . thankful B . strict C . busy D . healthy
    A . ruined B . completed C . bought D . keep
    A . repair B . change C . present D . keep
    A . known B . strong C . special D . curious
    A . turns B . gives C . puts D . gets
    A . strange B . pitiful C . good D . painful
    A . sample B . idea C . condition D . Practice
    A . raise B . share C . pay D . require
    A . disappearing B . joining C . competing D . filling
    A . review B . advantage C . process D . group
