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        Do you know the beautiful girl on the stage(舞台)?She is dancing. 1name is Jenny Green. Green is her father's2name. She was born on August 25th. Jenny's father3 in New York. She goes to visit him when she is 4 on weekends.

        Jenny is5 medium height and she6 long black hair. Her favorite7are tennis and baseball. She likes8 music and she likes P.E. classes, too. She is young but she is a famous9now. We can often see her in the movie or on TV. I love her10 movie very much and always ask my friends to watch it.

    A . She B . Her C . Your D . My
    A . family B . one C . two D . second
    A . works B . sleeps C . eats D . goes
    A . tired B . busy C . excited D . free
    A . of B . at C . in D . about
    A . wears B . has C . is D . with
    A . colors B . books C . sports D . animals
    A . hearing B . listening to C . hear D . listen to
    A . teacher B . actor C . actress D . student
    A . one B . first C . a D . the
