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  • 1. (2020高一上·如皋期末) 阅读理解

        Rumors (谣言): we've all heard some and we've all spread some. In more traditional times they shook entire families. Today, they travel differently because the way we share information has also changed.

        The fact is that rumors have great potential to upset things, whether socially or personally. We don't enjoy being on the receiving end of one, since they usually don't have good intentions. They are somewhat veiled (掩饰的) messages.

        Normally rumors are oral messages: word of mouth. The paradox (自相矛盾) is that there is no evidence to support rumors, but the more people share it, the more they see it as true. To finish explaining rumors, we think that they follow certain very clear laws. Secrecy: The source is unknown. There is also a proven phenomenon that human beings usually forget the source of a message before they forget its content. Certainty: We hardly question rumors simply because of the mental effort involved. On the other hand, no one likes to doubt a person who convinces us that the information they spread is true. Change: It acts like a tree. New rumors branch out to fill in the gaps left by the first rumor.

        Another property (属性) of rumors is that they tend to become viral. Each receiver is at the same time a potential transmitter (传输者) of the information. The receiver often adds their own opinion. Their manner and tone of transmitting it also changes it.

        How can we end rumors? The answer is as simple as it is impossible: preventing people from communicating. A more realistic response is equally difficult, although less than the first one. It is that we should be critical of the information we receive. We should ask ourselves if the source is reliable. Ask (if possible) the person you heard it from whether they also trust the information. We should also think about if the rumor benefits someone, and if that someone started the rumor.

        One rumor to be especially cautious of is a rumor about groups relatively unable to defend themselves. That's why we say, "History is always told by the winners." The first payment the defeated must make is to accept the victor's version of the story.

    1. (1) What can we learn about rumors?
      A . We have all heard some and believed them. B . We're happy to be the receiving end of them. C . They may have negative influence on society. D . They often hide good intentions in the messages.
    2. (2) How are rumours like a tree?
      A . Rumours keep changing, just as trees change their colour. B . Rumours are deeply rooted in reality, like tree roots in the earth. C . New rumours have gaps, like the space between tree branches. D . New rumours grow out of the original, like branches out of a trunk.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word 'viral' in Para 4 probably mean?
      A . Something easily spread. B . Something acceptable. C . Something easily defended. D . Something beneficial.
    4. (4) Which of the following may the author agree with?
      A . It is easy to prevent people from spreading rumors. B . People are often active in judging the rumors critically. C . We should think about the hidden message of the rumors. D . Stories told by the victors are usually better worth trusting.
