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  • 1. 完形填空

        I always think how lucky I am that my work as a travel writer introduces me to extraordinary locations, experiences and people. However, my recent hot air balloon(热气球)1 over the breathtaking ancient temples of Bagan has proved the most impressive. Without 2 it will stay with me forever, and years later I can still smile at the fond 3.

        There are over 2200 temples and pagodas(宝塔) on the plains of Bagan, 4 the 11th and13th century. For me, Bagan is the place where travel5 come true.

        The sunrise hot air balloon experiences are popular so it's best to book6. My husband Ryan Wright and I were picked up at 5:10 am. After picking up some additional guests, we made our way to the launch field. The pilots(飞行员) introduced themselves and 7 the basics of ballooning. They were warm, 8 and funny and set my nerves at ease.

        Then, 9I even realized what had happened, we were off the ground. The earth just seemed to drop away from the hot air balloon. 10, I felt nothing when the ropes were 11 and we started to fly into the sky. Graeme suggested some of the best sights and photo 12, starting with the sunrise.

        Once the sun was up, the temples and pagodas were even more beautiful. Ranging from 13 groups of buildings to tiny structures, Graeme was keen to point out some of his personal favorites, as well as those buildings 14 restoration(修复) work. Who knew that bamboo scaffolding(脚手架) could be so beautiful 15the sunrise?

    With the end of our flight approaching, Graeme 16 us of safe landing procedures. I really 17 that he was so clear and focused on 18! We were soon back on solid land. A circle of chairs had been19 for us to enjoy a light breakfast.

        This hot air balloon journey was the most 20 travel experience of my life.

    A . ride B . drive C . voyage D . transport
    A . command B . evidence C . doubt D . basis
    A . schedule B . memory C . adventure D . reality
    A . standing for B . going through C . digging out D . dating from
    A . dreams B . views C . bargains D . events
    A . at present B . in advance C . as usual D . on purpose
    A . explored B . judged C . explained D . suggested
    A . grateful B . informal C . hopeful D . friendly
    A . before B . after C . when D . since
    A . Gradually B . Personally C . Strangely D . Regularly
    A . recovered B . released C . escaped D . pulled
    A . outlines B . designs C . opportunities D . spots
    A . large B . valuable C . rare D . major
    A . organizing B . experiencing C . supporting D . begging
    A . against B . over C . beyond D . across
    A . persuaded B . educated C . reminded D . concerned
    A . appreciated B . settled C . ignored D . admitted
    A . principles B . competitions C . responsibility D . safety
    A . came up B . set up C . packed up D . brought up
    A . willing B . active C . wonderful D . peaceful
