Ryan, a six-year-old (Canada) schoolboy, was surprised that he could get clean drinking water within ten steps, but some African children had to walk so far for it every day. To help those children, little Ryan planned to earn money by cleaning windows and doing gardening. when he reached his first target of $70 to donate a charity, Ryan was told that it (actual) cost $2000 to build a well, which (be) a large sum of money.
Ryan had a new plan he persuaded his classmates and neighbors to donate money. After several months, enough money (raise) and a new well was built near a primary school in Uganda. When Ryan paid a visit there, he saw the (complete) well with his own eyes and hundreds of delighted students who gave him great warm welcome. Later, Ryan's experience led him to set up a foundation (encourage) more people to help. Today, the life-changing gift of clean water has benefited over 800,000 people in 16 countries across Africa. Nowadays, Ryan, as an adult, has gained an insight the question how he can help others.