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  • 1. 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Do you know how to deal with failure at school? Four steps will help you get the most out of each failure and more on.

        . When you feel bad after failing, talk with your parents or good friends, or any other adult. Then decide to take the duty to improve yourself. Read the teachers' comments on your test carefully.

        Ask yourself what you were trying to do and why you failed.. Maybe you didn't have all the information you needed; maybe you made a mistake or a poor decision. If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Fewer people ever get something right the first time they try it, and often it takes them many times. . Sometimes the failure isn't because of something you did or didn't do; it is someone else's fault. But don't spend time blaming them; instead, move on toward your goals.

        . Review the situation to see what your choices are. There is a different between making a decision and giving up. Deciding to follow a better way is one thing; simply walking away means you really have failed.

        Keep trying again. Successful people are different because they choose their next steps instead of just reacting to feelings. If a goal is still important to you, figure out what to do and go after it again..

    A. No pains, no gains

    B. Don't give up easily

    C. Failure is unavoidable

    D. Remove your bad feelings

    E. If it isn't, do your best on something else

    F. Actually it was because you were very lazy

    G. Usually it was because you were trying out a new skill or learning a new subject
