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  • 1. (2020高三下·山西开学考) 阅读理解

        An electric flying vehicle called Skai was shown yesterday near Los Angeles, California. Skai is made by Alaka'i Technologies. The vehicle has six rotors(旋翼)on the roof and seats inside for five people.

        Like a drone(无人机), the vehicle from Alaka'i Technologies takes off and lands vertically(垂直地). It's one of many similar electric flying vehicles in production, including ones from Boeing and Airbus. But most of them are powered by batteries, which can add a lot of weight. The Skai instead uses very light hydrogen fuel cells to run its rotors, giving it a range of 400 miles(644 kilometers)and the capacity to carry 1,000 pounds(454 kilograms)in people or goods, the company says.

        Alaka'i says it's planning a test flight near its Massachusetts headquarters. It will be flown by an on ⁃ board pilot (飞行员), but the technology exists to eventually fly it remotely and even autonomously. However, it will be years before the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows the autonomous flight of passenger vehicles, said Thaddeus Lightfoot, who helps companies navigate FAA rules.

        "Drone⁃ like vehicles such as the Skai must first simply prove their airworthiness, like any common plane. After that, getting commercial certification is another complex process. The technology is interesting, but the regulatory road will be very long," said Lightfoot, adding that the idea of allowing people to fly in a large aircraft without a pilot is" well outside the current regulatory system."

        Hanvey, CEO of Alaka'i Technologies, said that it could take at least a decade before the company realizes his goal of electric flying vehicles ferrying passengers over major cities at nearly 120 mph. Before that, he hopes to see Skai aircraft used by first responders to send in food or water following disasters like hurricanes or wildfires. It could also serve as a mobile cell tower, staying in the sky for up to 10 hours over a neighborhood to provide communication services, he said.

    1. (1) What is the advantage of the Skai?
      A . It is quite light. B . It uses batteries. C . It carries more people. D . It lands autonomously.
    2. (2) What can we infer about the pilotless flight of passenger vehicles?
      A . It costs a lot. B . It saves energy. C . It is not readily available now. D . It will soon get approved by FAA.
    3. (3) According to Thaddeus Lightfoot, what should the Skai do first?
      A . Prove its safety to fly. B . Conduct a test flight. C . Get a commercial license. D . Obey the International Air Law.
    4. (4) Where is the Skai probably first used according to Hanvey?
      A . In the countryside. B . In some major cities. C . In mountainous areas. D . In disaster⁃stricken areas.
