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  • 1. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

    1. (1) 看太多电视对你的眼睛有害。

        bad for your eyes.

    2. (2) 青少年认为他们应该被允许选择自己的朋友。

      Teenagers think that they to choose their own friends.

    3. (3) 我叫醒了汤姆,让他早点起床。

      I Tom and asked him to get up early.

    4. (4) 实际上,我一点也不喜欢他的新发型。

      , I don't like his new hairstyle at all.

    5. (5) 这个主意听起来不错,校长会考虑的。

      The idea a good one and the headteacher will think about it.
