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  • 1. 完形填空

    What is your greatest dream? We received several different answers to the question.

    Zhu Weiqi: I remember the sky was really 1 when I was a child. But now there are more and more  2 , and we have begun to lose that sky which looked like a blue diamond(宝石).

    Wu Qihang: It is great to see the fast  3of science, but I would rather see the development of people in China.

    Su Yang: Now, some areas are still not peaceful in the world. Many people are 4 and thousands of children cannot go to school. I hope that in the near future, people in there can live a 5life.

    Li Ziliang: I wish that one day I could have my own spaceship. I hope I could  6a new star that is suitable for us to live on so that the Earth will not be7  any more. We can live a happy life both on the new star and on the Earth.

    Chen Xiaoxin: My dream is to travel 8 the world and collect smiling faces, and then 9 them into the space. A smile would build up a 10 between us and the aliens.

    A . white B . fine  C . blue D . beautiful
    A . factories B . schools C . markets D . countries
    A . change B . development C . use D . study
    A . hopeless B . homeless C . careless D . useless
    A . normal B . unusual C . rich D . exciting
    A . make B . invent  C . discover D . design
    A . poor B . rich C . touristy D . crowded
    A . cross B . across C . through D . around
    A . send B . pour  C . throw D . move
    A . world B . country C . friendship D . organization
