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       It was not until books were produced that knowledge really    1   quickly around the world.

          For centuries, books were rare and very    2  . Each one was written    3     ! So it is understandable that one book took many months   4 . Today, a printer can produce    5    books in a day. Instead of being expensive, books these days are light, cheap and easy to get hold of. However many of these books are    6    ancient to be held and studied by many people. They need to be kept     7 away from danger. So here in the British Library, the latest technology has  8 download pages of these books onto a computer. This system has been developed   9     readers will be able to touch, read and study these beautiful ancient books. Have a look at the screen here. It is possible   10    the pages of the book, just as you would turn a normal book, by pressing a button. And on this part of the screen, helpful information about the book is displayed.

    A . spreads               B . spreaded     C . spreaden D . spread
    A . cheap                         B . small  C . expensive  D . light
    A . with hand                                                B . by hand C . in hand          D . for hand
    A . to be produced                                      B . be produced C . to produce      D . was produced
    A . thousand                                               B . thousand of C . one thousand      D . thousands of
    A . too                                                       B . so C . in order to         D . such
    A . safe               B . safety        C . safely      D . safly
    A . been used for                                 B . been used to C . be used to           D . be used for
    A . so. . . that                                           B . so that C . because of           D . such that
    A . turn                                                             B . to be turned C . to turn      D . turned
