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    Oxfam has 12 branch bureaus (分支结构) in different countries in the world.The table isabout some of them. 

    Oxfam America

    Office address: 26 West Street, Boston

    MA 02111 1206, USA

    Tel: 1 617 482 1211

    Fax: 1 617 728 2594

    E-mail: info@oxfamamerica.org

    Website: //www.oxfamamerica.org

    Oxfam Canada

    Office address: Suite 300 - 294 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario Kl P 6E6, Canada

    Tel:1 613 237 5236

    Fax:1 613 237 0524

    E-mail: enquire@oxfam.ca

    Website: //www.oxfam.ca

    Oxfam GB

    Office address: 274 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DZ United Kingdom

    Tel: 44 1865 311 311

    Fax: 44 1865 312 600

    E-mail: oxfam@oxfam.org.uk

    Website: //www.oxfam.org.uk

    Intermon Oxfam

    Office address: Roger de Lluria 15, 08010 Barcelona, Spain

    Tel: 34 93 482 0708/0

    Fax: 34 93 482 0707

    E-mail: info@intermon.org

    Website: //www.intermon.org

    Oxfam New Zealand

    Office address: 62 Aitken Terrace, Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand

    Postal address: P.O. Box 68 357, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand

    Tel: 64 9 355 6500

    Fax: 64 9 355 6505

    E-mail: oxfam@oxfam.org.nz

    Website: www.oxfam.org.nz

    Oxfam Hong Kong

    Office address: 17/F., China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

    Tel: 852 2520 2525

    Fax: 852 2527 6307

    E-mail: info@oxfam.org.hk


    1. (1) This is a table about ______.   

      A . Oxfams B . branch bureaus of Oxfam C . different pictures
    2. (2) There are______countries in the table.   

      A . six B . five C . seven
    3. (3) The telephone number of Oxfam in Canada is______.   

      A . 64 9 355 6500 B . 1 613 237 5236 C . 852 2520 2525
    4. (4) The website of Oxfam in America is______.   

      A . //www.oxfamamerica.org B . www.oxfam.org.nz C . //www.oxfam.org.hk
    5. (5) Oxfam has ______ branch bureaus (分支结构) in different countries in the world.   

      A . 13 B . 16 C . 12
