当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. 情景交际

    A How do you like our city ?                               

    B Your city has changed a lot these years, hasn't it ? 

    C I came hereto give a report on food safety two years ago .

    D That will make you more relaxed.

    E How long have you been here?    

    F Have a good time.    

    G Talking of my spare time.

    A: Hello, Mr Wang             

    B: Hello, Mr Wilson  


    B:Yes. Our lives are getting better and better , Mr Wilson ,

    A: Three days.              


    A: Very good .It's beautiful and quiet .

    B: It seems that you know our city . Have you ever been here before ?

    A: Yes, 

    B: Then this time you are here for?

    A: Just for a holiday           

    B: I'm veryglad you like our city

    A: Thank you.
