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  • 1. 阅读短文,题(1)判断正误; 题(2)根据短文内容完成句子; 题(3)(4)简略回答问题; 题(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语。

    Today is November 28th. It's my sister Gina's eighth birthday. In the morning, my parents take us to Zig Zag's Store. There my mother buys a red sweater for Gina. And we go to Xinhua Book Store. There I buy some CDs for Gina. My father also buys a book for Gina, and its name is Harry Potter. It's Gina's favorite book. In the afternoon, my parents have a birthday party for Gina at home. Gina's friends,Bill, Jim and Cindy come to the party. Bill brings a new pencil to Gina. Jim gives Gina a soccer ball because she likes playing soccer. Cindy gives Gina an English -Chinese dictionary. Gina is very happy. Oh, I'm Gina's brother. My name is Robert.

    1. (1) There areseven people in Gina's family.  

    2. (2) My mother gives Gina a            .

    3. (3) How old is Gina?


    4. (4) Who is Robert?


    5. (5)
