当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. 完成句子。

    1. (1) 别担心,这儿没什么可奇怪的。

      Don't worry. There is here.

    2. (2) 他从书包里拿出一支笔。

      He a pen his bag.

    3. (3) 当妈妈在做饭时,我正在看电视。

      my mother was cooking, I TV.

    4. (4) 八年级二班的学生正在思考他们的将来。

      The students of Class 2, Grade 8 are their future.

    5. (5) 在书店看书时一个漂亮的女孩向我微笑。

      A beautiful girl me while I was reading in the bookshop.
