当前位置: 初中英语 / 填空题
  • 1. 阅读短文,根据短文内容和首字母提示写出文中所缺单词。

          A young man was traveling. It was getting late in the day, and he was t. When he met an old man on the road, he asked him, “Excuse me, where can I get w, sir?”

    The old man told him, “Walk along the road and you'll see a small r.” Then the old man added, “If you pick up some pebbles(卵石;小圆石) from the river bed, you will get both glad and s.”

          The young man t the old man and went on his way. When it got dark, he found the river and took a d. He thought it was silly to pick up pebbles, b he still picked some up. He then found a p to sleep.

          The next morning the young man found those pebbles became beautiful, bright jewels (珠宝)。So he ran back to the river q to get more, but there were only sands.

          Looking at the beautiful jewels, he felt s that he hadn't picked up more. At that time he was happy that he had picked some up.
