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  • 1. 请仔细阅读教材, 补充完整下列句子。

    1. (1) 他的头脑不能停止思考一小时之前在学校足球场上发生的事情。

      His mind would not thinking about what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field.

    2. (2) 十分钟以后, 彼得听到他的父亲敲他卧室的门。

      Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father his bedroom door.

    3. (3) 另外, 输赢各参半。

      Besides, or losing is only half the game.

    4. (4) 走路回家的时候, 他感到肩膀上像是有沉重的担子。

      He there was a heavy on his shoulders as he walked home alone.
