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  • 1. 根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        I have a brother. His name is Tom. Tom is a nice boy, 1he eats too much (太多) and he doesn't like sports.

    In the morning he has three 2 and some bread. For lunch, he 3 two hamburgers and some chicken. He likes Coke (可乐), too. For dinner, he likes rice and salad. After that he 4 eats some ice-cream. Too much food 5 not good for Tom. Now he is not healthy.

        I want to help Tom to be 6. So I say, “Let's go to 7 tennis, Tom.”

     “Oh, it's 8,” Tom says.

     “What about volleyball?” I ask.

     “It's difficult,”9 says.

     “Well, I think you can play 10 well,” I say.

     “Sure, it's easy for me.”

        We have a good day playing ping-pong.

    A . but B . and C . so D . then
    A . carrot B . milk C . eggs D . apple
    A . calls B . eats C . meets D . knows
    A . now B . only C . really D . always
    A . are B . is C . be D . can
    A . tidy B . first C . easy D . healthy
    A . play B . spell C . ask D . see
    A . relaxing B . fun C . boring D . interesting
    A . I B . he C . it D . she
    A . soccer B . tennis C . volleyball D . ping-pong
