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  • 1. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案.

        Mr Black is a very large man.He has a loud voice.He is not a giant,but he is much bigger than most men.

        Life is not easy for Mr Black.He cannot find clothes big enough.His feet are too large for most shoes.In buses,trains and planes,he cannot stand up straight.The roofs(顶)are too low.At home,his bed is too short,chairs are always too small.Mr Black has problems because of his size.

        So Mr Black stays at home most of the time.Lire is easier at home.

    One day,a friend says,"You spend too much time at home.You should go out and play.There's a good movie at the cinema."

    "I can't sit in cinema seats,"Mr Black says."l'm too big."

    "That is no problem." his friend says."l'll buy you two tickets.You can get them at the cinema when you go.""That's a good idea."Mr Black says.He puts on his best clothes and goes to the cinema.

    "You have two tickets for me."he says to the woman in the ticket office."My name is Black."

    "0h,yes,Mr Black,"the woman says,"Here you are,seats G4 and Pl2.I'm sorry,you and your friend can't sit together because we are very full this evening."

    Poor Mr Black! He smiles sadly,walks out of the cinema and goes home.

    1. (1) (    ) Mr Black is   

      A . much smaller than most men B . much bigger than most men C . a giant
    2. (2) (    ) Mr Black's life is hard because    .

      A . he is so fat B . he is so big C . he is so small
    3. (3) (    ) what does he do about this problem?

      A . He stays at home most of the time. B . He sees doctors. C . He tells his friends.
    4. (4) (    ) How does his friend try to help him?    

      A . He gives him a present. B . He gives him some money. C . He buys him two tickets for a movie
    5. (5) (    ) Why is Mr Black sad at the end of the story?    

      A . He cannot sit with his friend. B . The woman in the ticket office is angry. C . Mr Black is too big to sit in only one seat.
