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  • 1. 阅读理解

        When people find something valuable and return it to its owner,they are often given a reward.This is because the person not only found what was lost but also spent time finding its owner or taking it to the police station.

        There was once a young boy who found a woman's purse in a shopping center.Inside the purse there was some money and the woman's driving license.Her name and address were printed on the license,so the boy knew where she lived.That evening he went to her house and knocked on her door.When she opened it,he said,“I found your purse,''and handed it to her.

        “Thank you very much,”she said.She opened her purse and took out all the money.She wanted to give the boy a small reward,but there were only bills of$20 in the purse and she thought that$20 was too much to give the boy.“I'm sorry,”she said. “but I don't have any small change to give you.”

        The boy said,“That's all right,”and he went away.

        A few days later he found another woman's purse.It also had her driving license in it,so he knew where she lived.He went to her house and said.“l found your purse ,”and handed it to her.

        “Thank you very much,"she said.  She opened her purse and took out all her money.

        “That‘s strange,”she said.“Before I lost my purse l had a $100 bill and a $20 bill in it.Now I have a $100 bill ,a $10 bill and two $5 bills.''

        “Yes,"the boy said,and smiled.

    1. (1) Why do people get a reward after they return what they found to the owners?    

      A . Because the item(物品)is very valuable. B . Because he/she threatens(威胁)the owners。 C . Because it takes them much time to find the owners or take it to the police station. D . Because the reward is more expensive than what they found.
    2. (2) How did the boy find the woman in the second paragraph?    

      A . According to the name and address printed on her driving license. B . By asking a neighbor of the woman. C . By asking a policeman for help. D . According to the ID card in the purse.
    3. (3) The first woman didn't give the boy a reward because——.    

      A . she didn't believe the boy B . she hadn't any change at hand C . the purse didn't belong to her D . she didn't want to thank the boy
    4. (4) Why was the money in the second woman's purse changed by the boy?    

      A . Because the boy stole some of the money. B . Because the boy wanted to play a trick on her. C . Because the woman couldn't remember it clearly. D . Because the boy wanted to get a reward.
    5. (5) What do you think of the boy?    

      A . Naughty. B . Clever. C . Selfless(无私的). D . Polite.
