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         About twenty years ago,Gao Xiaosong wrote the lyrics(歌词)of the classic folk song My old Classmate that touched millions of hearts.Now,as the producer of the new youth film of the same title,he is trying to do it again.

    Starring Zhou Dongyu,22,and Lin Gengxin,26,My Old Classmate follows the pair's life and love from middle school,when they are tablemates(同桌),through high school, college and beyond their graduation.

        In the first half hour,audiences(观众)constantly see the symbolic items(标志性物品)of the early 1990s,including pencil boxes and comic books.

    The film also mentions important events that took place during the period from 1993 to 2013,including China's entry into the World'Frade Organization,the terrorist attacks against the US on Sept.11,2001,and the 2002 SARS outbreak in China.This attention to detail brings back many memories, especially among those who were born in the 1980s.

    Then there's the main focus:the first love between Zhou's and Lin's characters.The film doesn't have a fairy tale(童话)ending,but director Guo Fan's way of storytelling is quite impressive.If audiences can see a little bit of themselves in the film,it has fulfilled its goal.And those who are experiencing their sweet first love need not worry too much,because no matter how it ends,the precious memories of it will always stay.

    1. (1) Gao Xiaosong directed the youth film My Old Classmate.

    2. (2) Who play the leading characters in the film ?

    3. (3) What's the topic(主题)of this film?

    4. (4) Did the film have a happy ending?

    5. (5) What is the aim of the film?
