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  • 1. (2017八上·拱墅期末) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中, 选出可以填入空白处

    的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

        “Do you like my dress?”a little girl asked a passing woman.“My 1 made it for me.”she said with tears (眼泪)in her eyes.

        “Well I think it's very2 .but why are you crying? ”asked the woman.The little girl 3, “After mom made me this dress, she had to go away.Dad said that she's up in heaven(天堂) with grandparents.”The woman  4 what the child meant and why she cried.She held the  girl  5 her arms.

    Then suddenly, the little girl did  6 strange(奇怪的).She stopped crying and began to   7 .It was the sweetest song the woman had ever heard,   8like the song of a very small bird.After the girl stopped singing, she explained to the woman, “Mom had taught me the song 9   she went away.And she made file promise to sing it whenever I started crying, she said it would make me stop.You see, now my eyes are 10 .”

        As the woman turned to go, the little girl said to her,“Madam, can you  11 just a minute? I want to show you something.” “Of course.”answered the woman.“What do you want me to    12 ?”

    Pointing to a spot(斑点)on her dress, the little girl said, “Right here is where mom kissed (亲吻)my dress, and here is  13 kiss, and here, and here…Mom said that she put all those kisses on my  14 so that I would have her love with me.”

        Then the woman found that she no longer saw a little girl in a simple dress.She saw a child wrapped(包裹)in her mom's 15 . And the child looked even more beautiful in it.

    A . mom   B . dad C . teacher D . grandparents
    A . big    B . dirty C . simple D . beautiful
    A . cried B . sang  C . answered D . shouted
    A . thought   B . realized C . explained D . wondered
    A . in B . on C . under D . behind
    A . nothing  B . something    C . anything D . everything
    A . cry   B . dance    C . speak D . sing
    A . usually B . almost  C . always D . often
    A . as   B . after C . when D . before
    A . wet B . hot    C . dry D . open
    A . go B . come   C . wait D . sleep
    A . kiss   B . show  C . see D . say
    A . another B . other   C . both D . all
    A . face   B . hands    C . eyes D . dress
    A . love   B . body C . song D . arm
