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  • 1. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        A rich man has a son. The son's birthday is coming. The rich man wants to give his son a birthday. He sees a poor man with a beautiful white horse.

        "Can I it for $300?" the rich man asks "Sir, it doesn't look so good, "the poor man answers. And therich man walks away.

        The next day the rich man comes. He takes out $1.000 for the "Sir, it doesn't look so good, the poor man says." I must buy it," the rich man gets . The poor man finally gives the horse.

        The rich man's son loves his gift very much. He climbs onto the horse, but then the horse runs right into a tree.

        Oh! There is something wrong with the horse's eyes. It is blind(失明的).

        The rich man goes back to the poor man. He for an explanation(解释). The poor man says, I've told you. It doesn't look so good.  you didn't listen to me.
