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  • 1. (2020高三下·龙岩月考) 阅读理解

        In the 1970s, chemist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis (盖亚假说): all organic and inorganic components on the planet are part of one self-regulating system, working to maintain life on earth. Scientists agree that we need take significant action to control emissions (排放). But where scientists and popular movements have thus far failed to convince the world to act, it seems that Mother Earth may have succeeded, with the never-before-seen COVID-19.

        COVID-19 is estimated to have reduced carbon dioxide emission in China by a quarter. It caused factories to shut down, and slowed construction activities. Recent analysis shows a 70 percent drop in flights in February compared with January. And even getting into a car and going to a restaurant, shopping mall, or concert poses a risk of infection, which means that many people are choosing to stay at home and are consuming less, resulting in a significant reduction of their carbon footprints.

        Of course, China and the rest of the world will hope to restart normal production and consumption as soon as the virus is under control. However, some positive measures have already been taken as a result of COVID-19.As the virus is thought to originate from wildlife, Chinese authorities are revising laws and regulations regarding the country's massive wildlife trade in order to prevent future epidemics (流行病)-a win for biodiversity.

        The deaths of thousands of people worldwide should also serve as a lasting reminder of the fragility of life. We humans frequently ignore or repress uncomfortable thoughts of death and extinction. We would rather get on with our lives as usual, thinking everything will somehow work out in the end. Only in the face of suffering and death are we forced to view the bigger, longer-term perspective-and this is what is needed in order to react appropriately to climate change.COVID-19 has sent alarm bells ringing throughout the world.

    1. (1) What does the author mention the Gaia hypothesis for?
      A . To tell the main idea of the text. B . To introduce the topic for discussion. C . To show the need to protect the planet. D . To stress the importance of self-regulating system.
    2. (2) What is the second paragraph mainly about?
      A . The unexpected benefit of COVID-19. B . The economic influence of COVID-19. C . The preventive measures for COVID-19. D . The possible causes of COVID-19.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "repress" in the last paragraph refer to?
      A . Control. B . Hold. C . Vary. D . Test.
    4. (4) What does the writer want to tell us in the text?
      A . It's urgent to fight the virus. B . The virus has caused many deaths. C . Life is fragile in face of disasters. D . Action is needed for climate change.
