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  • 1. (2020·吴兴模拟) 阅读理解

        Traveling can broaden your view and make you a better-rounded person. It's also a lot of fun. And if you plan your trip right, it can also make a lasting difference in your life and the lives of others.

        One of the most important ways to make your travel meaningful is to learn about the country. This isn't just about visiting historical sites and museums. It also means talking to people, tasting local food and generally feeling the daily life in the country. Try to learn a few words in the local language, so you can use them to talk with local people. All of this will help you truly experience a new place. And it will help you understand your own culture better as you see how it differs from other countries.

        Understanding the place you're visiting is also necessary if you want to help people there. Political and economic problems are complex and can't be solved directly. But knowing what those problems are may help you to make a difference.

        Some people like to connect their travel with service projects. This seems perfect: You get to see a new part of the world and also help people. This concept is known as "voluntourism". It is so popular in travel today that more than 1.6 million volunteer tourists are spending about $2 billion each year. Yet the problems the voluntourism tries to solve are still there. One of them is that volunteers who provide free services can take jobs away from local workers. What's more, some organizations cause to continue problems as a way to keep getting volunteers money. For example, some Children's Home take children away from their poor parents to help attract charity (慈善).

        This doesn't mean all charitable actions are bad, however, it just means that you need to do your research and make sure you're going to help responsible (可信赖的) organizations. Also, try to give from areas you're skilled at. For example, help with classes teaching people your native language or use professional skills you've mastered.

        By stretching your mind and reaching out to others, you can make your next trip abroad more meaningful than just a vacation.

    1. (1) When traveling, the writer advises us to          .
      A . experience local life B . visit local science museum C . find a local tour guide D . search for information online
    2. (2) The underlined word "complex" in paragraph 3 probably means           .
      A . easy to deal with B . difficult to understand C . necessary to know D . important to experience
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is True about voluntourism?
      A . It always helps poor kids. B . We can learn a new language from it. C . It is a tool to make money. D . We should help organizations we trust.
    4. (4) The purpose of the passage is to          .
      A . make a difference in people's life B . introduce different cultures abroad C . get people interested in voluntourism D . help people to travel meaningfully
