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        When I was in the fourth grade, my mom brought back a girl named Faith from the local Social Services. The girl had just1three years old. She had big blue eyes and brown hair. I sat down to talk with her, but she was very2. I was sure that she must have been scared.3I loved the young sister at once.

        To have a sister wasn't as4as I thought it would be at first. Faith cried every night. She5cried when she just had to tell me that she had to go to the bathroom. Faith was always getting into6, too. She would break my toys, color on my homework. She was always in someone else's conversation and doing things just to get people to7her. She wanted attention, and it was not cute at all.

        After a very long time, Faith finally learned how to8trouble, and I learned how to share. I also learned how to put my things9so that she would not break them. We10had to learn. She still forgets sometimes. So do I.

        Now Faith is five years old. She is very smart and11. She follows me everywhere I go—even when I don't want her to. We are also12ballet and acting classes. It is so much more fun to go with my sister.

        It's funny. I can't even remember Faith not being here. When I13, the first thing I see is my sister, and when I go to sleep, the last thing I see is my sister. I'm14I have Faith as a sister because she is fun and she makes me laugh. How15I am to have the gift of Faith.

    A . turned B . made C . enjoyed D . cleared
    A . outgoing B . kind C . excited D . quiet
    A . Because B . So C . But D . And
    A . boring B . fun C . difficult D . smooth
    A . even B . only C . just D . gradually
    A . trouble B . agreement C . friendship D . power
    A . help B . teach C . notice D . kiss
    A . come into being B . stay out of C . come up with D . fall in love with
    A . up B . away C . off D . down
    A . all B . neither C . each D . both
    A . talented B . down C . moved D . satisfied
    A . getting B . asking C . taking D . telling
    A . come up B . come out C . get out D . wake up
    A . intelligent B . glad C . disappointed D . nervous
    A . educational B . proud C . lucky D . enjoyable
