当前位置: 高中英语 /
  • 1. 单句改错

    1. (1) I won't have you telling me what to do.
    2. (2) Claire had her luggage check an hour before her plane left.
    3. (3) The private store bought an estate car at the cost of ¥5000.
    4. (4) He contradicts him sometimes in the same sentence.
    5. (5) He knocked the old man down with purpose.
    6. (6) This is just what I have long seeked after.
    7. (7) Why was Mr. Freeman opposed to continue our experiment?
    8. (8) Cactus plants are tolerant about extreme heat.
    9. (9) My deskmate was caught cheat in the exam last week.
    10. (10) I swapped my views for the other members of the committee.
