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  • 1. (2019八下·蚌山期末) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        In a forest, there lived an owl(猫头鹰). All the animals knew that he was the 1  among all of them. So they often went to him and told him their 2 . Then the owl always taught them what they should do. One day, a little bird went up to the owl. She was 3 . "What's wrong with you?" asked the owl. "I'm very 4 . I don't want to be a bird. " the bird said. " 5 don't you want to be a bird?" asked the owl. "I am so small and weak and useless," she cried, " I want to be big and 6 like the lion. He is very important, but I am not. "Then the owl whispered(悄声说) 7 to the bird. At once the bird went away. One week 8 , the bird came back. "Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl. " she said to the owl. "I am very happy now. Every day, I 9 on top of the tallest tree and watch out for(监视)lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout loudly. Then my friends all run and hide. they are very 10 to me. I am useful and important now." "The wise owl smiled and said, "No one in the world is useless. "

    A . laziest B . wisest C . weakest D . bravest
    A . stories B . lives C . problems D . families
    A . flying B . laughing C . running D . crying
    A . unhappy B . lucky C . wrong D . poor
    A . How B . Why C . What D . Where
    A . fat B . rich C . strong D . tall
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . ago B . earlier C . later D . before
    A . sit B . climb C . jump D . fly
    A . helpful B . friendly C . thankful D . angry
