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  • 1. (2019高一下·平顶山期末) 阅读理解

        Nowadays with the development of technology, people have gradually relied on the mobile phones seriously.Many people, especially the younger generation, like to use social media to connect with others. However, everyone is ignoring an important point- face-to-face communication between people is missing.

        Social media is all about connecting with others. But a new study suggests that too much social media use leads to disconnection and loneliness. The study finds that heavy use of platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram is associated with feelings of isolation among young adults.

        Brian Primack and his team in the study surveyed that 1,787 U.S. adults aged 19to 32 and asked them about their usage of 11 social media platforms. Surprisingly,people that spend more time on social media feel lonelier than others.

        Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist, said"Although people think being on social media all the time makes them 'connected' to others, they are actually disconnected,'because the more time one spends behind a screen, the less time one spends face-to-face." Kersting continued. "They are spending a lot of time looking at everyone else's posts, where they are, where they are going and what they are doing.The constant connection to everyone else's perfect'life experiences causes feelings of being left out, and of being lonely."

        So what's the answer?"It's simple," says Kersting—although it does involve a significant amount of willpower."The solution to this is refusing the addiction to look at everyone else's life.Just focus on your own life, where you're going, what you are grateful for, and what you want to achieve in this world. Then go out and do it, andstop wasting so much time comparing."

    1. (1) Which word below can replace the underlined word"isolation" in Paragraph 2?
      A . satisfaction B . separation C . sadness D . happiness
    2. (2) Wat's the result of the new study?
      A . Too much social media use causes loneliness. B . Young people rely too much on mobile phones. C . The effect the social media has on everyone is equal. D . More time on social media contributes to more friends.
    3. (3) According to Kersting, how to prevent people feeling left out and lonely?
      A . Learn to improve one's willpower. B . Cut down the time spent on social activities. C . Share one's own perfect life instead of viewing others'. D . Concentrate on one's own life rather than anyone else's.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the text?
      A . No Looking at Others' Perfect Life B . Social Media May Not be So Social C . Face-to-face Communication Comes First D . Our Life Will be Destroyed by Social Media
