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  • 1. (2020·宁波模拟) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        A little boy once found a jar(罐子)of nuts(果仁) on the table. "I'd like some of these nuts, "he thought. "I'm sure mother will give them to me1she is here. I want some to eat now." So he2the jar. As he was very hungry, he grabbed as 3as he could hold.

        But when he tried to pull his 4out, he found the neck of the jar was too 5. His hand was held fast, but he did not want to 6any of the nuts. He 7 again and again, but he couldn't get the whole handful out all the time. 8 he began to cry.

        Just then his mother came into the room. "What's the matter? "she asked. "I can't take this handful of nuts 9the jar"sobbed the boy. "Well, don't be so greedy, "his mother replied. "Just take two or three, and you'll have no trouble 10your hand out." "How 11that was, "said the boy as he moved his hand off 12. "I might have thought of that 13. "

        The story tells us that a man can't be so greedy, maybe thing will go to a/an. 14side if we want to finish a thing in one time. Do thing step by step!This is the best 15to success. Only like that can we go further.

    A . while B . because C . if D . whether
    A . put into B . took out C . push into D . reached into
    A . many B . much C . some D . few
    A . hand B . head C . mouth D . legs
    A . big B . small C . large D . tiny
    A . to drop B . drop C . dropping D . dropped
    A . tried B . did C . thought D . threw
    A . Recently B . Luckily C . Finally D . Simply
    A . in B . off C . out of D . into
    A . to give B . giving C . to get D . getting
    A . easy B . difficult C . interesting D . boring
    A . the jar B . the room C . his mother D . his neck
    A . itself B . myself C . yourself D . herself
    A . right B . opposite C . possible D . same
    A . answer B . way C . information D . example
