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  • 1. (2020·浙江模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

        Back on the first day of school, Ms. Ryan told all the children that at the end of the year there would be a class party. Everyone was very excited.

        Slowly but 1, fall turned into winter and winter turned into spring. Soon it was time to 2 the party. Ms. Ryan posted a list of things for students to bring. All the food would be 3 with everyone. Logan 4 cupcakes.

        One night, Mom said to Logan, "I can't believe tomorrow is the 5 day of school. How time 6!" Logan dropped his fork. "Oh no!" he cried. "I 7 to tell you before, but tomorrow is the class party. I'm 8 to bring cupcakes for everyone."

        Logan's mom 9. "Logan, I don't think there's enough time to 10 cupcakes before bed. You'll have to go to the party 11 cupcakes. Next time, please let me know sooner." "I'm sorry," Logan sniffed, trying to 12 his tears.

        "Well," Mom 13 him, "I guess we have time to bake the cupcakes, but they will be too 14 to put icing on them tonight. The icing will melt. But I have a(n)15."

        Immediately Logan and Mom set to work. Mom cracked the eggs 16 Logan added the oil. Together they mixed the batter(面糊) and 17 it into the cupcake pan.

        While the cupcakes were in the oven, Logan asked, "What about the icing?" Mom pulled out brightly colored sprinkles(糖屑)." I know we 18 use these for ice cream, but you can pack them with the cupcakes and let your friends 19 cupcakes. How does that sound?"

        Logan smiled. His classmates would 20 to decorate their own cupcakes. "It sounds great!" said Logan. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best."

    A . casually B . surely C . predictably D . unavoidably
    A . attend B . delay C . plan D . end
    A . shared B . associated C . cooked D . distributed
    A . took away B . made up for C . gave away D . signed up for
    A . new B . last C . middle D . special
    A . flies B . drags C . changes D . waits
    A . happened B . managed C . regretted D . forgot
    A . allowed B . forced C . supposed D . recommended
    A . frowned B . repeated C . explained D . agreed
    A . bake B . buy C . order D . design
    A . instead of B . regardless of C . with D . without
    A . hide B . wipe away C . hold back D . dry
    A . reminded B . comforted C . interrupted D . greeted
    A . fresh B . warm C . sweet D . cold
    A . idea B . problem C . plan D . agenda
    A . so B . because C . but D . while
    A . pushed B . threw C . spooned D . slid
    A . hardly B . already C . even D . usually
    A . make B . decorate C . taste D . deliver
    A . decline B . choose C . love D . hate
