In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a dam across the Nile, but the proposal (lead) to protests because some important Egypt's cultural relics would be (like) to be damaged. In 1959, the government had to turn to the UN for help for there were no good (solute) to the problem. Soon, a committee was established (limit) damage to the relics. In 1960, document was signed with experts' efforts, and the work began. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and (count) cultural relics. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. In 1980, the project ended (successful), which showed that the countries (find) a path to the future that did not run over the relics, and they had learned that (work) together can build a better tomorrow.