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  • 1. (2019高二下·绵阳期末) 阅读理解

        I was 63 years old when I lost my job. After many years of rushing between home and job, between raising kids and pushing ahead professionally, it was quiet. In those silent spaces, I had time to ask myself what I really cared about. Finally I came to an answer. I cared about young people's future. Burdened by huge education debt, unable to find a Job, many were feeling hopeless. They were in danger of becoming a lost generation.

        But what contribution could I make to creating a better future for the next generation? I started a free program in which coaches and mentors (顾问) would volunteer to help unemployed young people launch their careers. I'd enjoyed mentoring younger people at work, and this fit with my desire to assist the next generation. Through my coaching contacts, 25 wonderful life and career coaches signed up to volunteer.

        On The young people find us through word of mouth. Coaching is done by phone or Skype (网络电话), so location doesn't matter.

        So far 55% of over 220 graduates have found desirable jobs within a few months of finishing the program. Ninety percent have rated the coaching positively and say they are closer to their goals.

        Over the course of 12 one-hour periods, the coaches help them figure out what work aligns with (使一致) their values, skills and passions, and then assist them in making a plan to move forward—including helping them with resumes, networking, interviewing, and job search strategies.

        In exchange for the free coaching, we ask all the young participants to "pay it forward" to someone who needs their help. We explain that we won't know whether they do or not, but the potential is there to create a ripple effects of kindness spreading outward in unforeseen ways. If fact, a number of them have offered to mentor other graduates in the program.

    1. (1) According to the passage, the author showed great concern for ________.
      A . her children's career B . her own achievement C . young people's future D . young kid's education
    2. (2) How does the author make her program known to younger people?
      A . Via the Internet. B . Through word of mouth. C . By phone or Skype. D . In the local newspaper.
    3. (3) What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 4?
      A . The program is beneficial to all the participants. B . Most participants fail to land a good job. C . High attention is brought to the program. D . The program is quite a success.
    4. (4) Young participants receiving the free coaching are asked to ________.
      A . make a future plan B . recommend the program C . mentor other graduates D . find better-paid jobs
    5. (5) Which of the following can best describe the author?
      A . Confident and kind. B . Caring and devoted. C . Courageous and calm. D . Dynamic and considerate.
